A place where students interested in photography can show their work and exchange ideas & information

paris, march 2007.

these are some photos i've taken last march in paris.
enjoy ;)

Premières photos

Ce sont quelques photos que j'ai faites, sans grand thème particulier, si vous avez des questions écrivez moi sur pierreguerold@hotmail.com.

Experiencing several exposure times

A friend and I enjoy riding our bikes in a town located in the Essonne, called Verrières-le-Buisson. We took some photos one afternoon with a digital (reflex) Nikon D50 camera. None of the following photos are retouched.

I took this first photo with 1/15 for an exposure time (the camera automatically adjusted the aperture). Even though it does not appear because of the exposure time, it was becoming dark. I followed my friend the most accurately I could with the camera during his jump so he is quite clearcut, and the background is blurred.

The next photography was taken with an exposure time of 30 seconds. I have put the camera on a stone and I went in front of the camera eye for about 10 seconds. Well, in fact, I guess it was not me but a ghost...

Those last pictures were taken with an exposure time of 15 seconds and are very easy to do.

If you want to see the photos in better quality, don't forget do click on them !


One day I was walking in a park and while I was doing some photos, my camera fall down and one of these photos was made....I thought it was funny to do some other photos like this! This is a part of what I made....

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Between day and night

I think that this sky is absolutly incredible, don't you think so?

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